Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sunny Weekend=Garden Work, FINALLY

Will and I were very busy in the garden this weekend as it was finally sunny. First, I made a map of the garden of where I wanted what planted. Second, we proceeded to ignore the plan and stick things in the ground wherever. Third, I went back and redid our garden map-- so much for organization. But, don't worry: I still have a mystery plant or two for others to identify.


Irises in full bloom

all our seeds are now in the ground.

We also opened our butterfly and ladybug houses to the garden. We will have to go and purchase a bag of ladybugs, but the butterflies will come to the butterfly bush we have: Their house is conveniently located to all the wildflowers we have planted over the past three years to entice the butterflies and hummingbirds to our yard.

And we have a return of our old friend, Mr. McSnakersons. He has been hanging out in the hay, by the raspberries. Keeping an eye on all the blooms we have on the golden bush. Very kind of him.


John's Arts & Crafts said...

Great blog! New blog on the Hx. of the Ladybug:

Fiona said...

So pretty. I love Columbine and Iris.

Clarkson said...

I hope the Mr. McSnakerson likes to eat mice.