Thursday, May 7, 2009


So I came home the other day with hands full and while closing the front door with my backside (no comments please) managed to break one of the small panes of glass. Not a common occurance and I honestly think it was a button that caused the focus in pressure. Regardless - I had new job.

Now - being a thrifty sort I reckoned I could take the job on. I had old windows in the garden which after measuring seemed to provide the glass and a hardware store down the street to get the other stuff. Glass cutter, putty stuff, set square and some peg thingies. (I'm a layman remember).
Turns out it all went pretty smoothly......

Removed glass from old window

Took out the wooden bits from the door that hold in the glass

Fitted in the new pane - measured it and everything so it fit first time!

and VOILA! Door fixed, hooray me. Total cost about $25 and took 2 hours. Still a bit of sanding to do along with the final painting but overall it wasn't as painful as I had feared.


Unknown said...

Isn't my future husband AMAZING?

Fiona said...

Nice work, dude!

BaysYates said...

Fine work. I have some projects for you next time you are in town. :)

Mike said...

Wow! You've got a bionic booty!