Sunday, May 17, 2009


I'm a coffee drinker-- and though I am about to marry a Brit, I will always be a coffee drinker. For Christmas, Will's brother and sister-in-law gave us an *awesome* coffee maker that also makes espressos and lattes.

Now, I can make a goooood pot of coffee. My espresso ain't bad. But when it comes to making the lattes, I am pretty terrible. Because it takes longer and you have to pay attention to lights blinking on, the amount of espresso in the carafe, and me trying to do 80.1 million things at once, I constantly screw up the latte making process. Ask Jen, Bryan and Maddalena, who witnessed the forgetfulness first hand when they came over for breakfast.

This is where Will's years as a Starbucks barista comes into play. He makes the most delicious lattes: right amount of espresso, sugar, and foamy milk for a perfect weekend treat.

But. What do I do when Will is out of town, say in Amsterdam?

Well, yesterday I attempted my latte on my own and it wasn't that bad--my milk wasn't very foamy. But this morning. I watched it. I paid attention. I stayed put. Well, sorta. I did run and get the towels to fold while the milk was foaming, but that is at the end when all the lights of blinked on and off.

And the result:

A perfect latte. You can even see the left over steam.

I do think, though, that once Will returns from over seas, I will promptly forget how to make a good latte and return to the established weekend routine: I wake up, I get up, I go get the paper, I lay on the couch, and Will brings me my latte. I drink it. I read the paper (or catch up on my Jon Stewart's), and then Will brings me a second one. It is a perfect way to start both days of the weekend.

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