Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Apron Strings

So, my sister Caroline, with the two babies--so *copious* amount of time. ahem-- made my bridal gift.

Years ago I sent her (and Rebecca) fabrics from Repot Depot Fabrics. It was funny, vintage, random fabrics. They both were learning to sew. Apparently, I sent this fabric to Caroline, she saved it, dug it out, and in her spare time, made me this awesome apron. It was the first of my shower presents to open and it is hilarous and very well-made. The pattern is "How to find a husband".

Some of the sage advice on the fabric is:
Show him you love housework!
Cook him delicious foods!
Don't play the field; focus on one man.
When you meet his mother, Smile!
Show him you have a lovely singing voice.

It is absolutely priceless! Will loves it too.


Will said...

Yes - the irony of it being turned into an apron is just priceless, it's a thing of beauty.

I'm sure the words of wisdom will come in very handy in the future!

It'll sorta be like a Mission Statement apron.

Fiona said...

You left out the best part! Caroline said, "When you gave me the fabric I was like, 'It's great! But what will I *do* with it?'"

And - obviously, she figured out something to do with it, didn't she?

G said...

This could be the perfect wedding night apparel for you :)

BaysYates said...

This is fantastic. I am literally sick that I missed it.

Mike said...

Awesome. The advice is pretty good too. My favorite is the one about showing your husband you have a good singing advice. I'm also trying to get my future bride to sing to me. Fortunately, she usually agrees! (I think they might want to add one suggestion about letting your future husband blog in peace and quiet).