Monday, February 9, 2009

The Winner: Will with Dragon Fruit

When you send in photos of fruit:

 accompanied by the view from your hotel window, and the view has this:  
I think the winner,  hands down, over crepes is Will.  
Bringing out the Dragon Fruit was especially clever of him and his
hotel turn-down service. 

Dragon Fruit, or Hylocereus blooms only at night; the large white fragrant flowers of the typical cactusflower shape are among those called "moonflower" or "Queen of the Night". Sweet pitayas have a creamy pulp and a delicate aroma. 

And check out what it looks like when it is cut open: 


Fiona said...

I ate that for the first time a couple of months ago. It was tasty.

Still - I think you're selling crepes short. Not to mention hazelnuts.

awojo said...

Now who was the first person brave enought or hungry enough to open that up, see that sight, and decide that yes it might be safe to eat?