With the third day reaching into the high 90s (and today hitting 100º at one point) and knowing that the weather isn't going to break anytime soon, we resorted to distract measures to stay cool. We invested in a kiddie pool. It is, so far, the best $18.01 I have spent
all summer. Yeah, all two days of it.
We have established ground rules: no running, jumping, or diving into the pool. It is, after all, only a foot deep. No glassware or horse play in the pool. And adult swim every 45 minutes. Course, the dog is free to ignore these rules.
And speaking of the dog, Stirling
loves the pool. She was instantly in it, sitting down, and smiling at me. "Aahhhhh!", she seemed to say:

At one point, she even laid her head down along the side:

Plus, it was great to have a seat, dip my feet in, and have a nice glass of wine poolside. Whoops, no glassware near the pool--I'm already breaking one of the rules! ;)
Hilarious. I know people (well, people who know people whom I know) that used an old kiddie pool as a raised garden bed. Just sayin'.
I highly bought that the dog will let me turn this into a garden. She is loving the coolness too much to relinquish it to vegetables.
Plus, we need something for Brando and Chloe to do when they visit NEXT WEEK!!!!!
ooh - good call. When it 'breaks' I'll plant stuff in it.
That and the extra sink we seem to have obtained.
ooh, there's also a broken toilet I could probably salvage into a 'pot' - the bowl is mostly intact.
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