Saturday, June 26, 2010

Prep Mode

"Oh, hai," says Stirling. "We are in full prep mode for the impeding descendance of guests. For the 4th, I will be meeting my human-cousins for the first time. Miriam and Will are in full cleaning the house/weeding the garden mode."

"As you can see, the upper garden is all-a-flourish with rhubarb, dill, FIGS, lettuces, chard-- you name it, it's in there! Hopefully when the Hauss-Taylors get here, I can show them fresh, ripe tomatoes."

"In the Victory Garden, we have more veggies that provide excellent mounds in which I can bury my bones. We also have several gladiolas springing into bloom, just in time to awestrike our guests."
"And me? Well, I've been working really, really hard.... I'm making sure that the pool will be safe and cool for Chloe and Brando. It's a hard job, so I volunteered to do it."

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