Saturday, December 19, 2009

Snow at 10:15 pm

It is 10:15 pm and it is still snowing, though not at all like this morning and afternoon. But, every little bit counts. The goal: to be above 2 feet EVERYWHERE in the garden, and not just the snow drifts and where Will threw the snow that he shoveled off the walk and stair. Twice.

Some milk jugs and plant pots, covered in snow,
but also sheltered by the house and
a tree--still, they got covered!

Out our front door and after Will shoveled it twice.
You can see how deep it is on the side where he did shovel by looking at the footprints.

Our Magnolia tree, burdened down with snow.

Looking towards the MacDonald's house.
Look at the cars!
Look at the drifts in the bushes!

It is truly an amazing amount of snow.
We seem to have topped out at about 19 inches,
though it could be slightly more by the morning.


Grandmother said...

Amazing and Beautiful!!

Andrew said...

Your snow is so impressive it's on the BBC's front page this morning... Looks like someone is going to have a white Christmas!

Fiona said...

Awesome. We were there in 1995 for a similar storm, but we were in a hi-rise in VA, so it was just for watching.