Thursday, October 1, 2009

Still pouring

So, after the break-in on Monday, and the key fiasco on Tuesday, one would hope that Wednesday would have been easy. Or Thursday.

Not so, my friends.

Wednesday, we had a slew of workmen at the house only to discover that the boiler needed more repairs and maintenance then originally thought. $700 more to be exact. But, now the coils are clean, the flue repaired, and the back flow preventor value brand new.

We had the chimney scheduled to be cleaned. Ahhhh, again. Something so easy and cheap ($114 for being a member of Angie's List!) turns out there is a need for it to be a completely rebuilt: terra cotta liner, new external bricks, caps, and all the creosote running down the inside like a river to be cleaned away. Oh yeah, and a minor detail of the chimney no longer being attached to the house because the crack, which starts at the roof flashing, is so bad. $13,200 is the current bid.

Then, there are the windows. The old, leaky, unlockable windows (which are now nailed shut) with their charming wavy glass but their broken sashes. We have 49 windows that should be replaced and the average cost to replace them: $2,000 a piece. I will let you do that math....

Uh-huh. You got that amount?

Add that to the chimney estimate. The boiler repair. The roof cost. The dormer addition expenditure. The attic remodel quote. The new fencing price. Yeah, is your head spinning at the thought of these? HmmmMmmm, that was our Wednesday.

So far, Thursday hasn't been much better: three hours of waiting to get my new license, forgetting my phone and a book; and Will is stuck in Dallas on his way to L.A., as his plane to failed take off. Twice.

Oh, and to add insult to these injuries: I have a trail of 16 23 spider bites on my thigh to my knee. And they itch like crazy.

Can't a couple catch a break?


Jarboetwingles said...

Not feeling so bad about the $1200 price tag to tear out old mauve carpet and replace with laminate!

BaysYates said...

I don't even know what to say...I am so sorry.