Monday, October 26, 2009

4 Months and Counting

Today, Will and I have been married for 4 months. It doesn't seem that long ago and it seems like forever. Course, lots of stuff has happened in that 4 months...

The BBC had a great article today about men marrying 'younger' and smarter women and how if they do, the marriage is sure to last. Since I am five years younger and am smarter than the average bear, Will declared "OMG - see - nothing but happiness in my future!" when he sent me the link to the article.

Yea! Happy 4 Months!


Will said...

I think I chose wisely.

Fiona said...

Congrats! Happy 4 months. I think you should get to count these as more like 2 or 3 years, given all that's happened. Think of it as "chimney years" like dog years but more expensive.

Unknown said...

Chimney years... gutter years... window years...

G said...

Will certainly deliberated long enough :) Congratulations to you both!