Friday, October 9, 2009

Chimney Monkey

As loyal readers of this blog (all three of you) will know, we have had chimney woes. Woes such as being told that our chimney needs to be relined; it is covered in cerasote; and (my favorite) it is no longer attached to the house.

Basically all bad news. We have started the round of bids coming and yesterday, was a visit from Company #2.

It employs a monkey, who bravely (stupidly?) walked along the roof ridge, down the slope with all the loose and slipping slate tiles, and climbed up the chimney that is supposedly no longer attached. He then peered into our chimney to see what was there to see.

In the meantime, I am having heart palliations palpatations as I watch this person kneel on the chimney cap after he tells me that the first two layers definitely need to be rebricked. Otherwise, the chimney needs to be lined and repointed (not rebricked).

Still, he was kneeling on my chimney. Without safety equipment. In sunglasses.

That monkey has some guts.


BaysYates said...

I could not have watched...

Grandmother said...

Palliation - to make something appear less serious as in to cloak; or to lessen the pain without actually curing.

Palpation - to beat rapidly or to flutter

The photo certainly made your meaning clear even if the actual word did not.

Grandmother said...

And of course - I can't spell/type - it should be palpatation!