Friday, January 9, 2009

What will our garden grow?

I am trying to not think about the mounds of work on my desk as I write this.... or the web browser open with 344783042 tabs open searching for tea-length wedding dress.... instead, I will focus on spending the gift certificate my sister C got Will for Christmas from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds.

Hmmmm do we need purple carrots, green tomatoes, and pink swiss chard?

*Sigh* I want my garden back....


Fiona said...

Everyone feels this way at this time of year.

I'm picking out fruit trees and berry bushes for our yard. So far, the list is apricot and cherry plus blueberry and raspberry.

Sandy said...

Check out moon and star melons. Not sure how they taste but a very unique looking vegetable. I have only seen them once, in a Portland farmers market, and immediately wanted one.

Fiona said...

Someone was selling moon-n-stars at our farmer's market last summer. I didn't try one, though, so I dunno if they're especially good.

Melons: good idea.

Unknown said...

Ohhhhhh moon and star melons! That sounds exciting and they look fantastic!