Well, I would say that the trip was a success. The planes to and from were on time, the food was outstanding, and the company and family were lovely. I think that the Parents-in-Law survived their first trip to the Bluegrass State.

We arrived Christmas morning to my parents house looking like a restaurant, but when you have 44 people coming to dinner, and everyone has a place to sit down, that is to be to expected. Edward and Sylvia did amazingly well, thrown into the deep end of my gene pool and came out swimmingly.

Christmas was spent with the Downs and they managed to not only remember names and faces but family groupings and which number of the 10 Original Downs Jimmy, Donnie, Matie were. Then to the Farm, where even more Downs were meet and Edward and Sylvia walked around a knob, once they were explained that it is not on a door.

I did eventually make a family tree for Edward and Sylvia so they could see where I fit in. It did take writing very small and two sheets of paper. It certainly helped in the quiz that my family gave the Cunninghams afterwards.

Just kidding, there was no quiz. We were all too drunk on wine, good food, great conversation, and cooing over Brando and Chloe.

And yes, I even brought back some leftover country ham to have here. Not mention cookies, nuts, a few presents, and lots of good stories. Edward and Sylvia will be dining out in Edinburgh on their crazy in-laws for years.