Thursday, June 30, 2011

There's an "H" in It

Yesterday was a non-cooking day for me.  Home from work in time to get to my pilates class at 6. Then after the hour at the gym, an hour at the dog park with Will and Stirling.  That puts us back home at 8ish, with all of us famished. But I failed to go to the grocery store to pick up more vegetables to eat with the leftover fish I cooked last night.

So, pasta it is.  Pre-made noodles.  Pre-made sauce.  I was so tired that I didn't even heat the sauce.  I let the hot noddles do that.  (It was a trick I learned in college.  The hot noodles heat up the sauce, but then quickly became cool enough to eat.)  But how boring is pasta and sauce? I added a bit of goat's cheese, but still.

And then I remembered our lovely herb garden!

I can at least spice up the dish by adding fresh basil, oregano, and Italian parsley!  It adds a bit more flavor and definitely more color, thereby making a boring meal more semi-exciting!  Plus, it just makes me chuckle to go out to the Herb Garden: I think of Eddie Izzard....