Friday, January 8, 2010

West Coast Meet-Up

While Will is busy taking the pup to work, I am in San Diego for a work conference. Here is the view from my hotel room this morning.

And guess who also happens to be here at the same time, visiting their other family?
Brando and Chloe!

Caroline and et. all scooped me at the airport, took me to my hotel, and then we went for lunch on the water (yum! coconut shrimp!), followed by a visit to Darren's sister's house.

At lunch, Brando decided that he wanted the lemon.
Only he realized, too late, what a lemon actually tastes like.

He next decided that maybe the french fry was a better choice.
Chloe couldn't agree more. You *always* go for the fried food over anything sour, especially a lemon.

While at Kim's, some Rock Band was played.

Turns out that Caroline is not only an accomplished pianist, but plays a pretty good snare. Well, would be if the drum kit had a snare.

And Darren can totally rock the lyrics.

And Brando, well, he decided that being the normal groupie in hipster clothes wasn't the way he wanted to support his favorite band. He decided to break out a costume in hopes for an autograph, or at least some of his own mic time.

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