Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Nector of the Gods: Return and Refill

Will and I are driving to Kentucky for a wedding reception for us this weekend given by my parents: a grand finale to the fairy tale.

It happens to be *very* good timing, as we are almost out of Ale 8. And if you don't know what Ale 8 is, you should. As you can see, we need to return the bottles and crates, get money back, and promptly "refill" by buying another 10 to 12 6-packs, at least. In the long necks of course. Because everyone knows that Ale 8 tastes better in the long necks.

Ale 8 is available only in Kentucky (or on teh interwebs) and you can only get it in the long neck bottles if you are near Winchester, where the delicious gingery ale is made.

In fact, I am sitting in my kitchen in DC, sipping on a cold one, and it is soooo refreshing and well, perfect. It makes me think: Maybe we will just leave the wedding presents and fill the car with Ale 8.....

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