Sunday, August 23, 2009

Downside of Wedding Presents

One would have thought that there weren't any, but Will and I have developed a deep-seated loathing for Styrofoam and/or corn starch peanuts. Every package we receive seems to overloaded with the stuff. One little 7 inch plate came in a box that was, no joke (cuz I measured) was 2 feet x 3 feet x 2 feet and full of peanuts. It just seems to be a bit overkill. Thank goodness we have good recycling here. We have saved several boxes for mailing presents out and boxing up stuff for when (if?) we do the attic, but the rest we set out for recycling. Every week we overflow the two little bins we have been given by the city. Though, in most weeks, we have more recycling (and compost) than trash.

But at least the corn starch peanuts we can dispose of with water. Though, the thought has crossed my mind about the water consumption used as I dissolve the peanuts and I don't even want to know what it is doing to our pipes. With this old house, one has to be careful what one wash down the drain. (For example, we don't even put oil down: We use it to make suet for the birds).

I have a new appreciation for the stores that call you to let you know you have a present waiting and you can retrieve it whenever. One of the places we registered for does that for us, and it is a walkable distance from us, so one doesn't have to get in the car.

In the meantime, we will continue to deal with the peanuts and the cardboard (because receiving thoughtful wedding presents really is fun). I just hope that all the other couples getting married and receiving gifts delivered to their homes also recycles. And that the stores only use the corn starch peanuts and stop using any Styrofoam when they mail out their wares.

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