Sunday, June 7, 2009

Erin Came First

Though that sounds dirty, I realize that I have to say that this is the year of also knowing Bays Yates for 13 years. I didn't do an anniversary post in May--or was it March when we started at Captain Quarters together, because in my head, Erin has always been there. But, to Erin, my lovely, my dear:

.reverof dna won, sdneirf era ew yppah oS .uoy eroda I dna lufrednow era uoY.


Fiona said...

Hurray for Erin! I'm happy to share my anniversary with Erin. Let's call it a joint anniversary and date it June 5.

Agreed? Now we have to choose a gift and a cake. And dresses.

Will said...

While I haven't spent much time at Bletchley breaking enigma codes the encryption of your secret message at the bottom wasn't overly complex.

For the record - going forward I'm going to think twice about briefing you on where my convoys are headed.

Fiona said...

As well you should, sir.

BaysYates said...

Love it. :) Let me send you another photo though. :)

Thanks to Fiona for sharing the anniversary, it is truly appreciated. :)