Monday, April 15, 2013

Lap Time

A dispatch from Will:

Ok – so today there were some squishy bread rolls kicking around at lunch time….

Just bread, wrapped in some plastic.

Turning it over I read the warning on the bottom and had to share their brilliant disclaimer.

Brilliant!  They should adopt that policy in the US – no more suing McDonalds for finding a band aid in your burger after you’ve left the drive through!

I think I was outside the one hour ‘lap time’ but just had to see what it tasted like and what ‘quality issues’ I might encounter.

it tasted fine – a slightly sweetened squishy bun. Maybe I’ll get bird flu from it – who knows.  Either way – I’m outside the lap time so it’ll be my fault.  

On a separate note: I am off to Beijing today and the blog will not be updated until we get back. It is blocked in China-- or so Will tells me.  I think it might have something to do with the fact that BlogSpot is run by Google and Google and the Chinese Government are not BFFs.  I am packed, repacked, and ready to go.  Stirling, sensing something is up, decided that she would hurt herself and cause a midnight trip to the vet-- turns out that she has arthritis in her elbow and her romps with Biscuit have exacerbated it.  Two medications and a jar of peanut butter will accompany her when she stays with Angus this week. She just proved that getting old, no matter what species, isn't fun.  

Anyway, I'll catch up with you all next week! 

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