Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Last Garden Movie Night of the Season

Over the weekend, we held the last movie night in our garden for the season.  We normally aren't able to even show movies in October, but the weather this week has been marvelous.  Edward and Sylvia were quite impressed with our set up: bed sheet, old broken ladders, bits of string. 

We had "The Gold Rush" playing in the background as we roasted homemade pizzas on the grill, having our dear neighbors (Biscuit's parents) over as well.  The main feature was "Monkey Business" with Cary Grant and Ginger Rogers, and co-starring Marilyn Monroe.  It was quite entertaining to hear the giggles emerging out of Edward during the double features. 

Now, we have put away the projector, washed the bed sheet, and untied the bits of string for the year.  Next summer, maybe we will get it together to do a film festival of sorts.

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