Tuesday, August 4, 2015

7 Bags Full

Will's work room was a disaster. You could hardly get in there. The floor was entirely covered in crap. Stuff was piled up on the shelves, hanging from the walls--even from the ceiling, and the empty shells of bird seed piled in the corners was just disgusting. (Don't worry, we no longer store seed in the house, and it took us several years to overcome the mouse problem we had as a result of that mistake.)

We decided this work room needed an "organize", as Will would say. I was thinking it needed something more like a "purge."  

The amount of stuff we piled out of the room was astonishing. Some of the stuff we had inherited from Edward and Sylvia. Some of the stuff we had repurchased when we couldn't find it from the first time we bought it. Some we have collected from estate sales. And, I'm convinced, that our gloves are more like rabbits: we had over 20 pairs. 

The sweeping began. The furniture Was rearranged. Most importantly: stuff was being sorted and thrown out. 
After several hours of work, we loaded the remainder of stuff back into the work room.

It was clean! It was organized! You could open and shut the door! You could reach the ladders or rake or find our 12 bottles of caulk! 
It was an amazing transformation. What was shocking was that we threw out 7  bags of trash plus stuff-- like part of a banister?!-- that wouldn't fit into bags. Now, Will says: we can turn around and jig in the room. Hopefully that's all he'll want to do in there room -- I saw him eyeing a few estate sales notifications on the web!

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