Friday, April 9, 2010

Airduct vs. Vanity

We are in about to start renovating the attic in the house and turning it into a master suite. We moved the air duct close against the new dormer's wall, and eventually will move the stacks to vent outside and not be in the middle of the floor. The holes in the floor show where the duct was before (running in a straight line) and those are vent openings into the rooms on the 2nd floor. Those will be fixed when the area is redone. This photo will be in the bedroom area, with the duct work being formed into a window seat:

And this next photo is the where the bathroom will be. You can see that the bend coming from behind the knee wall to the new dormer wall was a space hog and challenged us to come up with some that would not cause the bathroom to be extended (thereby eating into the closet).

So, we hit upon a floating vanity that will be on the wall where the blue strip is in the photo above. This is what we have ordered and will arrive in time for our awesome contractor to attach it:

The contractor may even be able to work out something fancy that disguises the duct work completely. Work is supposed to start end of April/beginning of May. I'll keep you posted.

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