Sunday, August 19, 2012

Blue Ribbon at the Fair

My brother-in-law and my cousin Danny won a blue ribbon at the Kentucky State Fair in the arts and crafts category for their iPhone-o-graph.  As he tells it:

"There was an iPhone stand with an attached radio horn from the 1930's, that I found in a catalog selling for $800 - $1000 and I said to myself, 'I can do that!'

So I took my idea to Cousin Danny, a very well known Blacksmith here in Louisville, KY, and I asked if would realize the project for me. 

My original theme for this project was a Bourbon Still, where the iPhone would connect on the tabletop to the bottom of the copper coil. Like alcohol spirits in a still, the music would travel up the coil and transfer to the horn. 

Horn technology was used largely in the early recording industry to both record songs and play them back. "

They never expected to win the category or the prize money (which is basically the entry fee returned).  When we went to the fair, we had to visit the Iphone-o-graph three times, each time playing some old-timey horn music.  

Even in the great hall, it sounded great.  To listen to the song, go here:

And to hear a list of the various parts (old trumpet horn; Model T steering wheel; coils from a bourbon still; etc.), as well as hear a history of horn music and horn technology, go here:

Both links have the type of music recorded into a horn and played back on the iPhone-o-graph for optimum sound.  (You really should click the links, both of them.)

Darren and Danny were quite proud of their iphone-o-graph and I am quite proud of them.  Congrats guys!  It is really cool!

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