Monday, November 22, 2010

The Patient is Healing

Stirling had to go to the vet today. It was for her yearly check-up and jabs, but over the weekend she developed a crazy limp. She was favoring her right front paw: holding it up off the floor, limping, walking on 3 legs, and licking it a lot. The vet said that she was healthy and the paw was fine, as far as she could tell. The doctor thought that perhaps Stirling bruised or strained her foot and that it would heal on its own. However, the licking of the paw had to stop as there was now some irritation of the foot pad, if not an infection already. So, 2 antibiotics, blood draw, and an e-collar later, we can leave the vet. And she is remarkably much improved today-- hardly any limping.

We got a follow up phone call: all the tests came back clear. We have a very healthy and happy dog. And don't you fret, she didn't have to wear the e-collar for long, especially since she fogs it up with her breathing!

1 comment:

Fiona said...

This is the Doggie Superhero Power: appear ill just until you go drop a wad at the vet. Then, immediately recover!

Glad she's ok, though.