Friday, October 29, 2010

Walk in the Woods

With Dali over for an unexpected doggie visit, and awaiting the arrival of Erin & Brock, we three (Will, Time, and I) passed the time with a walk in the woods at Battery Kemble. It was a beautiful day and so we decided that we needed to "steal" Biscuit in order to make the walk even better. You could hardly see Biscuit from the yellow leaves falling...

Biscuit and Stirling leaped and romped and played in the water, with Dali running behind them. After a sufficient amount of water logging, stick chewing, and squirrel chasing, we returned home.
Biscuit loves coming along to the park with us and thanks Will profusely on the way home. You have *no idea* just how much that dog can lick...
Stirling, in the mean time, is just watching the world go by, fast fast!

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