Nova Spray Foam Company came out and insulated the attic and the crawl space under the side porch (aka our t.v. room). This stuff is the coolest! The guys were really quite personable and very interested in our garden-- I got a grape vine tip from one of the gents. They worked from 10:30 am until 5:30 pm and what a difference it has made already! They were fantastic and I would highly recommend this company.

This stuff is sprayed from a high-pressured tank onto the walls and eves. It dries and then is shaved down, basically with an extra-large bread knife, to be even with the rafters. I am assured that it is the highest quality of insulation (R-49!); environmentally friendly; no off-gasing; does not breakdown and have decrease insulation as it ages; absorbs sounds; and it will dramatically increase our energy efficiency. Already the sound difference in there is amazing. It was pretty fumy, so I was really only able to go into the space this morning and really get a good look at it. It is feels like the Styrofoam peanuts one gets with a delivered package of a breakable item.

They even squirted the stuff around the new windows to make them air-tight.

This is looking to the closet, the tube is an air ventilator they left to pull out the fumes. It ran all night and made a world of difference in the smell up there.

The southeast corner of the house, with the air ventilator tube going out the back windows. Where we will have access areas and storage areas, the foam was not cut back, as there is no need to have smooth walls since no wall board will be hung from it.

The rafters above the stairs going into the attic. You can see it is a bit drippy, but that will scrape right off.

This view is showing you the bedroom while standing in the closet. You can see where the wires are poking through where lights will eventually go. Since this stuff is so soft, the builders can dig out spaces that they might need for lights, etc. and still have lots of insulation surrounding it.

The closet ceiling. This stuff has no food matter in it, so no mold can grow on it. Plus, what mold was on the wood will now die, as it will not get any food or air.

And the bathroom, where the vanity will be going.
With the crawl space, we should also feel a difference in the first floor. I am not sure if we will be able to use the t.v. room in the winter, but we will not feel the cold air seeping under the door and into the basement. All in all, I am super pleased and think that this insulation is the best kind to get.