Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Full English

Ohhh I love Snow Days.  We *finally* had one yesterday and that inspired Will to make me breakfast.  He is very good at making breakfast, and does quite regularly.  But usually the breakfast is on a weekend. 

This breakfast was special cuz it was Monday.  Will made the full English breakfast with a twist: my "toad in the hole" eggs. 

And it was delicious. 

(Aside: Will's version had 3 toad in the hole and he consumed them with 2 sausages, several mushroom caps, beans, and grilled tomatoes in --no joke-- 2.5 minutes. It was amazing as it was disgusting.)


Mike said...

You and Will are welcome to come over and cook us breakfast anytime. I shouldn't have read this particular post on a half-empyt stomach. I'm going to go raid the fridge now...

Fiona said...

Mmmm....brekky. Can't wait. No pancakes?

hscfree said...

That actually looks good.

Fiona said...

Watchoo mean, "actually"?

Breakfast at Miriam's is always, and has always been, gooooood.