Monday, March 16, 2009


Yes, it is vegetable that begins with a vowel.... but I *might* have developed a taste for avocados with olive oil & balsamic vinegar because when it is fresh and organic and you are absolutely starving, it is quite tasty....


Fiona said...

YUM! I love that. Also, this whole vowel thing is kind of fun but also maybe a relic of the 20s. What if, in your 30s, you eat everything?

I mean, except eggplant. [gag]

Grandmother said...

I've been told your taste buds change every 7 years. Whether that's true or not I don't know and really don't care. I choose to believe it.

It took me a while to develop an appreciation for eggplant, avacado, and beets. Now I know how delicious they all are! Except pickled beets. Not quite up for that!

Kentucky Cook