Saturday, December 6, 2008


For a long time now I have been able to claim that I am a better blogger than Erin but never as good as Fiona. Lately, Erin has been putting me to shame as she has picked up her blogging and Fiona, well, she is now in the realm of superblogging. I guess with her baby, full-time teaching schedule, book contract, and baby food making, I would have hoped that she would have quieted down online. I have been wrong: she is a crazy and Erin isn't far behind. I am shamed at my lack of blogging at the moment, though I have loads of photos to blog about.

Can I claim that dental work is to blame? Two temporary bridges, 4 shots of Novocaine, 4 temporary crowns, and the inability to eat anything crunchy, chewy, or hard has just stopped my blogging in its tracks. I guess the knowledge of not being able to consume the entire bag of Aunt Carol's homemade caramels only made this time of year is just too depressing at the moment.

However, I will get over it. How?



Fiona said...

Not only is that *no excuse* but you are obviously holiding out on me.

Aunt Carol's caramels??? I can has caramels??

Also, I'd like to see a post showing your beautiful ornaments.

Unknown said...

My aunt Carol makes these amazing creamy caramels with hickory nuts from her farm in upper Ohio. She started making them and sending them to Matie and Great Grandmother (her mother, and the woman who raised my mom) and then she started to send them to my mom *and therefore me* was well.

Apparently, we are the only extra ones who get them and we did not know that until one year at Thanksgiving at our house (it might have also been Christmas), cousin Joe found out that we get a bag and freaked. He thought that Matie was the only to get the caramels. It was funny, but I don't think that we shared them still.

These suckers are better than gold.

Anonymous said...

What is Fiona writing a book about? That girl is my hero. :)