Friday, March 22, 2013

Moving Forward

Well, after several phones, meeting in person, and an intermediary, we seem to be back on track.  Things are not comfortable, but things are moving again.  The biggest issue of no water supply line to the toilet has now been rectified as well. Not by tearing out the newly tiled wall-- oh no, why would you do that?-- but by tearing a hole in the stairwell wall to get access to the pipes and drill into the tile from behind.


T-joint from the new cooper for the sink with the newer cooper for the toilet.
Our newest hole in the wall
So, it seems that we have made progress instead of tile replacement it is plaster repairment, which the contractor claims is easier.

Also, the insert came for the alcove and they have begun tiling that inset.  Tomorrow--yes, they have worked every Saturday for three weeks-- they will cut the hole in the shower for this and place it into the wall. 
alcove insert with some tile set

Is it over yet? Stirling asks

In the meantime, the grout has been done all around the tiles: the floor, the tub, the walls. It is looking quite nice, but since there is no vapor barrier, I am worried about it.  We will have to be quite diligent in resealing the tile yearly.

grouted tub area

grouted floor

 We also have progress in terms of the finishing work: door jams, trim, and mantels.  They have taken over several rooms of the house upstairs and at this point, if working on the weekend means that they finish one day sooner, than I think I can handle the mess that is the 2nd floor.

newly created mantel
doors hinge

closet area leading into the back guest rooms

middle guest room

front guest room


hallway trim

grouted and silicone sealed in the corners!

water supply line for the toilet

shower stall, minus the alcove

pencil tile

now this wall looks correct: water for the sink AND the toilet

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