Monday, July 16, 2012

Goodbye to Slovakia and Italy

Andy and Jaro

For the past 6 weeks, we have been housing Jaro, the Slovakian (on the right).  He and I work together and he needed a place to stay unexpected at the beginning of June.  His brother, Andy (on the left) came over for visit--his first time to the States.   They spent several days going through the museums (the Dulles Air and Space was the favorite), travel up north (the favorite: a toss up between NYC or Maine), and deciding on the best burger (the winner: Ray's Hell Burger, hands down).  It is now time for him to go back home and start a new job/finish his PhD.

At the same time, another co-worker, Claudia the Italian, is also leaving to return to her home of Milan.  As a way to say goodbye, Will and I hosted a good bye BBQ: ribs and chicken legs and Insalate Caprise and Bruschetta.

Plus, our favorite: rebarbora!

The Spread

Claudia, Me, and Nicole

The Chefs

Goodbye, dearest Jaro and Claudia!  

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