Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Windows Done (Almost)

Old windows
Or: How's Will's Office Got Cleaned.

Will's office finally has new windows.  We had to empty everything out of the space in order for them to reach the 5 openings.

Say Goodbye!
All of his 40 plants went into the dining room.  I was thrilled, as you can imagine. But I was finally able to get in there and dust! vacuum! mop!  It was a triumphant day, even if the dining room was basically taken over.
Plants, plants everywhere!
Ooh!  Aah!
BUT, the windows went in.

The windows open and close easily.

They are so clean.

They are so bright.

I love them.

And only after 2 days of cleaning and reorganizing, Will's office has finally returned.  Only, you can get to all the corners and there aren't 8 things plugged into one plug with only various adapters.  The plants are arranged better and a lot of the junk has been thrown out/given away (except for the Sega... he swears that might be worth something on eBay one of these days...)

sparkly and organized

Now we only have one more room to do and it is complicated (bookshelves in front of windows: BRILLIANT!) but with the holiday and vacation, that room will just have to wait. So, the majority of the windows are in.  The mess has been cleaned up.  And the air conditioning isn't leaking.

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