Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sprouts are up!

Our sprouts are up and doing quite well with the grow lights. They seem to be stronger than in previous years.  We have several small plants that are growing a second set of leaves.  Usually, the plants get very tall and thin, since they are striving for the light from the windows-- and they are on the floor.  With the grow lights so close, the sprouts' stems are actually green, not white, and so are much healthier.  All the energy is going into producing leaves and not growing up.

We think that for the first time we will have nice plants to put into the garden instead of weak, floppy ones. 

Here is what we have under the lights: tomatoes (about 7 varieties), beans, herbs (basil, sweet basil, thyme, coriander), cantaloupe, lettuce (romaine, butter, speckled), chard, and peppers (red, yellow, and hot).  We have more seeds that we will sow directly into the ground, when the time comes.  In the meantime, we will be watching the amazing progress of these plants.

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