Monday, March 7, 2011

Planting Season!

We have started sowing seeds! Only a few for the moment-- the rest we will directly plant into the ground.
We got our packets from Burpee last week and taking advantage of the time and sun on the weekend, Will set to planting the tomatoes, marigolds, chard, etc.  

Inside, Will built a new shelving unit to take advantage of our tall windows, not to mention he will no longer ruin the wooden top of the other table when the plants overflow during watering.
He is very clever and added two grow lights on the bottom shelves...

The lights are controlled by a switch he added on the side.  Will is very proud of this switch.  He was continually turning it on and off, to make sure that it still works. 

Now are have our seedlings under the lights and anxiously awaiting sprouts.  The  marigolds are already up (after two days under the lamps) but nothing else yet.  We will let you know when something starts peeking through the soil.


healthy vending said...

could you tell us what you are planting ?
Ferry Companies

Fiona said...

Um. Yeah. My chard seeds appear to be DOA. What's happening at your house?

Grr. I so enjoyed planting them, and so far they have rewarded me with...bupkus.