Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Garden Envy

My aunt Carol and uncle Gene stayed with my parents and us over the weekend. They were in town to join in our wedding celebration, Kentucky style. They are big gardeners. By big I mean, that they have about 22 acres of land in upper Ohio that they work. It is just the two of them, but they produce a whole lot of lovely looking veg.

Will and I brought home some hot peppers, cherry tomatoes, and figs to share with them.

Carol and Gene brought us white eggplants, cantaloupes, and

a whole lot of tomatoes.

Their amount of tomato production made Will and I insanely jealous. Take, for example, their tomato vs. our tomato:And it isn't like that one tomato of theirs is a fluke! On no, they had an ENTIRE BOX of insanely delicious, huge, beautiful, tasty, rip tomatoes that were ready and picked for us *that* morning. And, Carol let us know that there were lots more on the vines.

In fact, upon their return, Carol sent me this: "I just finished canning 7 quarts of tomato juice and I picked a basketfull of Roma's to make some spaghetti sauce tomorrow. I really don't need all this food but we have so many beautiful tomatoes that I can't stop. I also need to pick and freeze lima beans. Well we won't go hungry unless the electricity goes off for a long time. We have been trying to figure out what to do about our frozen food."

Yeah..... the jealously is quite overwhelming on our end.

Now I just have to get me to upper Ohio and into that freezer and help them with their problem of fresh veg freshly frozen.


Fiona said...

Some homeless shelters and foodbanks will take fresh food from gardeners, in case they're hoping to give some away.

Heather said...

I'll drive with you to pick up bushel and bushels of fresh produce to harvest back home...