Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Lethal Mixture

(crazy t.v. announcer voice)

"Hi, Boys and Girls! Welcome to Will and Miriam's Backyard Darwinian Nature Show! Today on the show, we show how this:

and this:

do not mix. And by mixing I mean, an *alive* mouse does not survive when a *hungry* hawk is around...."

Um, yeah. Will came home and apparently our sharp-shinned hawk had been back visiting our yard and scooped up the mouse for his lunch. However, it was interrupted, and Will found a half-eaten mouse draped over the fence. And, apparently, it was too gruesome to photograph. And apparently, if you have lost something in our trash, right now is *not* the time to go rooting through the various trash bags in our bins...

On the plus side, free extermination!

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