Monday, January 13, 2014


We are about to have another orchid explosion! We have several new spikes--maybe 8 or 9--including on at least one orchid that we have never had bloom. 

We also have a few orchids with buds in them or actually in bloom. 

We have been spraying the leaves, soaking the roots, supporting the new growth with stakes and clips. It has paid off.  Will is the orchid whisperer and I think I am picking up a few of his tricks finally! 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

A good start

It is the new year and it is off to good start. A fantastic Christmas and a low-key New Year's Eve has now given way to a lovely, peaceful snow fall. 

Anymore when the forecast calls for flakes, I don't pay attention. 

Tonight though it was like my reward for going to the old meeting of tweed. I have been away from it for three years now and this time it is in my backyard basically. 

So I went. 

And it was interesting to see that in so many ways time has stood still.  Maybe a
bit more tweed is being worn and definitely more grey, but it is the same conversations about the same things. I don't miss it at all. 

I did see dear friends and we will catch up later when there isn't so much business to be conducted. So after a few hours in my old life, I returned home. Walked the dog. Watched Miss Marple. 
And I thought about the twelves years. Tomorrow there is a session in how I spent it, though I'm not the focus. I am not sure I will be mentioned, but I plan on going.  Unless the snow keeps coming down and I decide to build a snowman instead.