Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Our Orchard

pomegranate tree
 Will and I have lots of fruit trees now and we are excited, as they seem to be happy!  We have planted in the front yard a pomegranate tree that even has a blossom on it! (You may recall that we attempted to grow a pomegranate tree from a seed, but that didn't quite work out.  We bought this one, for $20.  If we get 4 pomegranates,  we will make our money back.)

Also in the front yard, we have a plum tree now.  Closer to the house is or peach tree.  The plum tree was bought from a local plant shop.  The peach we ordered online and it arrived as a stick with some roots.  We planted it last summer and it seems to be doing okay.  Now, it will be take years for either one of them to bare fruit. 
Pomegranate Blossom

Peach tree

Plum Tree
 In the back yard, we have the pollarded apple tree-- though that never really produces anything edible, so really I shouldn't count it.  We also have a pear tree-- and it has pears!   Earlier in the year, Will and I both tickled the flowers as they bloomed.  Looks like we were successful in our tickling.
I think there are about 4 pears on the tree and soon we will have net them, as the birds are circling.  They seem to be more interested in the figs and the chard that has gone to seed, so we still have some time. 

one of the pears

Pear Tree

figs Figs FIGS!
As usual, the fig tree is in full force. Lots of figs are ripening and I have my little jam jars ready to fill.  Will found some 3 oz ones at Target and bought them all for me to give away.  Three ounces of jam is a good amount to present to someone-- they would actually be able to eat that amount.

And last but not least, we have lemons!  They are still ripening and we have lots of lemon blossoms too (more tickling in my future).  We have three lemons-- one of which is pretty large and the other two are almond size.  These are Meyer lemons and so should be very good for baking.   I would also like to note that we have an orange tree that is currently going berserk with the leaves, but the one bud turned into a tiny baby orange that has since fallen off the tree.  So, instead, we are focusing on the all the lemon custard pies I will be making versus the marmalade. 


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