Will, left unsupervised in the garden and enjoying a whole weekend of digging in the dirt, surprised me yesterday. I could hear him grunting and moving and sawing and digging, but paid no attention as I was busy wiping and cleaning and scrubing and organizing my kitchen cabinets and drawers. Finally, I took a break and went outside to see what Will was doing.
He was building a path in the Victory Garden:

He had edged it with the wood left over from the fence that was replaced three years ago that, to my chagrin, he saved. And if you are counting, he has reused that wood thusly: 1. to make trellis for our peas & beans (currently in use in the Victory Garden), 2. redoing the brick patio by using it for edging, 3. edging down along the flower bed by the other side of the house, 4. built shelves with it that currently are holding lots of potting materials, 5. the supports for the terraced herb garden, and now a sixth reuse of the wood. Not that the constant reusing of the wood has not be pointed out to me again and again.... Ahem. I think I learned my lesson, that saving wood can be very useful in deed.

Stirling helped with the laying out of the weed control mats.

And Dali, visiting for the week, supervised the whole operation. Being a poodle, she did so without getting dirty.

The path goes around the vegetable patch we have. Will edged in the roses, the lilies, the raspberries & blueberries, and the terraced herb garden.

We went to Lowe's and got 15 bags of decorative pebbles (each 40 lbs!) to dump into the path and then a few spare flagstones that Will also had laying about were added. The finished path is quite fantastic! It looks so nice and, now, all the plants down there are easily accessible--very important when wanting fresh golden raspberries or basil.

And you wanna know something else? There is plenty of wood left for Will to build me a trellis for the roses to go over the steps into the victory garden. Use number 7 for the old fence. He tells me that will be a while in coming. In the meantime, we will just enjoy taking short walks on our new path.