She asks the car, "How do you all feel about estate sales?" Jen and I both say, "Which way do we turn?"
It is amazing what you can find at sales like these. In some ways they are sad, but you have to think that whomever has died and whose stuff is on sale, their children have already gone through and picked out what they want and now are sharing it with the rest of the world.
This one was a great estate sale. There were a ton of things I would buy: silver tea set, beautiful Japanese dining set for 12, lovely dressers. Lydia found a great globe circa 1968 (the decolonization seminar has come in handy! I could figure out about when the globe was based on which African countries were still called by their colonial names. Aren't I clever?!), and two sweet leather bound books, one entitled "Fifty Great Stories". Jen got a few things (though to be honest, at the moment I can't remember what).
And I bought these:
Aren't they even more clever than me? It is a set of 6 porcelain cheese tags! You can write on them with a wax pencil (the marker has long gone). Now you can read cheese type and, for example, avoid the goat cheese. Though *why* would anyone want to avoid goat cheese.
Lydia and Jen are totally excited for me too. But I think it is more because they want me to host a party at which I actually use all 6 cheese tags.... I think I am up to that challenge. Gouda, anyone?
I love estate sales. I got a great old photograph of Pasadena at one years ago. The lady lived in her family home, built in 1912. She was born there, and she died there.
So I bought this photograph taken in Pasadena in the 1890s or so, which is almost as old as the town itself. Great fun.
I haven't ever been to an estate sale. I will have to put that on my list of things to do. :)
Oh Erin! You really should go. You can find some lovely things there, some antique quality (with maybe a small ding or two). Your giving them a second life, which is nice. And I can't tell you how many Christmas presents I get from Estate Sales.
I think that instead of writing the type of cheese, you should write things like, "This cheese is...not poisoned."
OMG that is HILARIOUS. I am totally going to do that...
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