We have them hanging in the powder room. (The horse one being my favorite.)
So, when Jen, Lydia, Jean, and I (my shopping partners!) went to the Junior League of Washington's annual Christmas Bonanza and I saw these hand towels, *of course* I had to get them to match the other sheeps.
Doesn't it make you want to come over and visit our powder room?
Those are cute. But I have to tell you this: when we come over, it's not really your powder room that calls my name.
It's the Branson Pickle. Duh.
How sad is this: we bought Fortum Mason Pickle and were SOOOOOO disappointed. All this organic stuff and it wasn't good. It is all about the Branson....
Listen, that's like buying Dean & DeLuca ketchup. Don't stray from the classics.
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